lloyd commute choice survey


Who is conducting this survey?

The Employee Commute Choice survey is conducted annually by Go Lloyd, a private 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization that promotes transportation options for employees and residents in the Lloyd neighborhood. Through public-private partnerships, our programs reduce drive-alone commute trips and result in improved air quality, increased capacity for customer and visitor trips, and a more livable and sustainable neighborhood.

Is Go Lloyd part of TriMet?

We are not part of TriMet, but we work closely with them and other regional transit agencies, as well as the City of Portland, Metro, and other local organizations, on behalf of Lloyd employees and residents.

What is the purpose of the survey?

First and foremost, the Employee Commute Choice survey is required by TriMet as part of the Universal Pass program. Universal Pass is the discounted annual transit pass that your employer provides to you, or is considering providing. Go Lloyd administers this program for any business located in Lloyd.

For employers with 100 or more employees, the survey also helps satisfy the Department of Environmental Quality’s Employee Commute Options (ECO) Rule. ECO requires large employers in the Portland metro area to take certain actions to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

Finally, the survey helps us at Go Lloyd track how well we’re doing at making our neighborhood healthier, more sustainable, and less congested.

How will data from the survey be used?

Your responses and those of others at your company or agency will be analyzed by Go Lloyd, and each employer’s aggregated results will be shared with that employer and with TriMet. Your employer may use these results to inform their own transportation policies and procedures.

Data from all employers—which includes responses from about 5,000 employees—will be aggregated to create a report that reflects results for the greater neighborhood. TriMet will use this report to determine the price of a Universal Pass for the next program year. These results will also be shared with the general public through Go Lloyd’s website and Annual Report.

Is my privacy protected when I take the survey?

Yes, absolutely. Go Lloyd does not track IP or email addresses through the survey. Your responses are completely anonymous, and we never share individual responses. You will not receive any communication from Go Lloyd or another organization based on your participation in the survey.

Have a question we didn’t answer?

Reach out to our team directly!